Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Change the world

You may be asking: Why another blog? You have a blog with your husband and a blog with your sister, why do you need another blog? Here are my reasons:

  • I want to encourage other girls, single and married, in their purpose as homemakers and helpmeets. I want this to feel like I am sitting down with you over a cup of coffee and sharing my heart about both Mary and Martha topics. 
  • I want to share my journey in exploring how I am learning to live the bravehearted Gospel out in everyday life as a wife and homemaker in the hopes that I can encourage other daughters of the King in their walk.
  • Many of posts will be more womanly/wifely in nature and I do not want to seem like I am trying to "teach" men in any way. 
  • This blog will be more of a spiritual journal and record of what God is doing in my life, not separate of my marriage and other aspects of my life, but within those roles. 
We are all called to follow Micah 6:8:
"He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you, But to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God?" 
But just how we all follow that command will look different for each of us. This is how I am trying to figure out the nuts and bolts of Micah 6:8. I ask myself, "How can I radically change the world as a homemaker?" Don't kid yourself. You can't just live a normal life following the kind of God that we follow. This verse shows us that! Look at all three requirements:
  • Do justly
  • Love mercy
  • Walk humbly with your God
These are all action words (do, love, walk). (Check out 1st Corinthians 13: 1-8 to see how love is an action word.) So I can't just sit at home and say I'm living out this verse! 

So I'm asking God today, this week, this month, this year: How can I radically change the world as a homemaker? 



  1. Anna- I look forward to reading this blog!

    I'm a newer CollegePlus! student and joined right about the time that you and Aaron we getting married. There was quite a buzz on the forums and I loved reading your story and looking at the pictures from your thread.

    Anyway, I felt like I should formally introduce myself instead of being a silent "lurker" on your blogs. *smiles*

    God Bless!

